Keep the Freeze off Your Pipes

exposed bathroom sink pipes
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Keep the Freeze off Your Pipes

As the winter chill sets in, it’s crucial to ensure that your home is prepared for the dropping temperatures, especially when it comes to your plumbing. Frozen pipes can lead to significant damage and costly repairs, but with a few proactive measures, you can safeguard your home against this winter.

Preventing Frozen Pipes:

  1.  Insulate Exposed Pipes:
    Start by identifying and insulating any exposed pipes in unheated areas of your home. Think of places like your attic, basement, or crawl spaces. Using pipe insulation sleeves or wrapping can provide an extra layer of protection.
  2. Seal Cracks and Gaps:
    Seal any cracks or gaps you see in your home’s exterior to prevent cold air from getting in. Pay close attention to areas near pipes, these can be entry points where cold air can get in.
  3. Keep Temperatures Consistent:
    Maintain consistent temperatures inside your home, especially during extremely cold nights. Even just the slightest increase in temperature can make a significant difference in preventing your pipes from freezing.
  4. Let Faucets Drip:
    On particularly cold nights, allow faucets to drip slightly. The flowing water can help prevent freezing pipes by relieving pressure in the system.
  5. Open Cabinet Doors:
    Keeping cabinet doors open under sinks allows warm air to circulate around pipes. This is particularly important for pipes located along exterior walls.

What to do if you think your pipes are already frozen?

  1. Locate the Frozen Area:
    Check to see if you have frost or a bulging area on the pipe.
  2. Turn Off Water Supply:
    Shut off the water supply to the frozen pipe immediately. This will prevent further damage and flooding.
  3. Apply Heat:
    Gently apply heat to the frozen area using a hairdryer, heat lamp, or electric heating tape rated for safely thawing pipes. Start from the faucet and work your way towards the frozen area.
  4. Use Hot Towels or Warm Compress:
    Wrap hot towels or a warm compress around the frozen pipe. This can expedite the thawing process.
  5. Call a Professional:
    If you are unable to thaw the pipe or if it has burst, it’s crucial to call a professional plumber. They can address the issue promptly and make necessary repairs to prevent further damage.
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