Prevent Ice Dams from Ruining Your Roof with Heat Trace

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Prevent Ice Dams from Ruining Your Roof with Heat Trace

Winter can be a spectacular time of the year and there’s nothing quite as beautiful as fresh snowfall covering your home, yard, and garden. Unfortunately, all that snow doesn’t stay white and fluffy for long. Soon, the snow on your roof starts to melt and the runoff tries to flow into your gutters. It doesn’t always happen the way it’s supposed to though, and ice dams can form on your roof. It’s vital that you take care of this issue as soon as possible to avoid damage to your roof.

What Causes Ice Dams to Form?

When your roof warms up due to heat in your attic, the snow starts to melt, and the water flows downward. Unfortunately, the temperatures at the roof’s edge aren’t nearly as warm and once the melted water gets to the edge of the roof, it freezes into a pile of ice. This ice dam then prevents water from making its way into the gutters or off the roof, so it backs up behind the ice dam and remains a liquid. This water will then find its way into cracks or holes in the roof and eventually into your attic and home.

Do Ice Dams Cause Roof Damage?

Yes, ice dams can be very damaging to your home’s roof, especially if the problem isn’t addressed in a timely manner. Some of the types of damage you may see when an ice dam form include:

  • Leaks in the roof
  • Loose roofing shingles
  • Damaged gutters
  • Water damage to ceilings and walls
  • Warped flooring
  • Wet, soggy insulation
  • Peeling paint

The longer the problem of ice dams persists, the higher the risk for the moisture to encourage mold growth. Not only is this an additional expense to repair, but mold can also cause serious health issues so it must be addressed quickly.

How To Get Rid of Ice Dams on Your Roof

At the first indication of ice dams starting to form on the roof, you’ll want to take action to get rid of them before they cause extreme damage. The first thing you may wish to do is to break up the ice dam using a rake or similar tool. This will require you to climb a ladder to the roof, so be very careful and make sure you have someone around to help. If it’s not possible to remove the ice dam yourself, call a professional for assistance.

How to Prevent Ice Dams from Forming on Your Home’s Roof

If you’re worried about ice dams causing roof leaks and other damage, now is the time to take action to prevent this from happening. Remember that ice dams are caused by differences in temperature on your rooftop, so if you can regulate that temperature, ice dams are less likely to form. Some ways to do that include:

  1. Add more insulation to your attic. For the most part, homes should have 12-14 inches of fiberglass or cellulose insulation. If your insulation doesn’t measure up, you may want to install another layer for added protection from ice damming.
  2. Additional ventilation inside your attic will help regulate the roof’s temperature by drawing in cold air and flushing out warmer attic air. This is a simple remedy that can be accomplished by adding soffit vents and ventilation strips to the eaves.
  3. During the coldest months, it’s best to limit the heat that makes it into your attic space. Turn off any sources of heat in the attic including lights and any heating elements. Make sure the attic door is closed and that any drafts around the door are blocked off.
  4. Air leaks in your attic and roof are a major contributor to ice dams. Be sure to seal up any air leaks, cracks, and holes. Some of the most common places for air leaks include cracks around windows, doors, chimneys, and plumbing pipes.

Install Heat Trace for Ultimate Ice Dam Control

Although regulating the temperature of your roof, removing built-up ice, and sealing up holes will certainly go a long way towards preventing ice dams, it may not be enough. If your roof is prone to ice dams, consider installing a heat trace to keep the meltwater flowing. This simple device can be installed along the roofline, and inside your gutters where it provides enough warmth to keep ice from forming.

Don’t let ice dams cause damage to your home this winter. Act now for carefree winter roof maintenance. With SpeedTrace Roof and Gutter Kits from the Temperature Superstore, you can rest assured your roof is safe from ice dams all season long. Contact us to learn more or to place an order today.

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