Why It’s a Good Idea to Use a Soft Starter in Commercial HVAC Systems

Air Conditioning Units
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Why It’s a Good Idea to Use a Soft Starter in Commercial HVAC Systems

Your HVAC system is essential to the health and well-being of the people who work in and visit your facility. It’s also vital to the integrity of the building, helping to manage heat and humidity which can damage the structure. A hard-working HVAC system needs to be well-maintained and occasionally repaired to work efficiently. It’s also important to choose the right type of starter for your compressor.

What Are the Differences Between Hard and Soft Starters?

HVAC units are either equipped with hard starters or so-called soft starters. While both types of starters achieve the same result of assisting the compressor motor at startup. There, however, a distinct difference in the way a hard starter works compared to a soft starter.

  • A “hard starter” is used in situations where it’s necessary to boost the electrical current to get the HVAC system running. Although this speeds up the HVAC system start-up time by spiking the in-rush current, it may not be all that beneficial to your HVAC system.
  • Soft starters work in the opposite way by reducing the in-rush current that a compressor needs to start by 60%. By actively controlling the current, and limiting the torque in the motor, a soft starter helps ensure smooth start-ups that don’t damage the motor.

What Are the Different Types of Soft Starters?

Soft starters are categorized as either single-phase or three-phase. The type you need depends upon the compressor your HVAC uses, you’ll either need a single-phase soft starter or a three-phase soft starter. Both offer the same benefits of reducing the initial current used to start the compressor, however, you must be aware of the type of motor the compressor uses:

Single Phase Soft Starters

This type of starter is used to start compressors with single-phase motors. They work by reducing the initial current shock upon startup and gradually increasing voltage to the motor for a slow, steady acceleration. This has the effect of reducing strain and thus improving the longevity of the compressor’s mechanical components. Single-phase soft starters also reduce starting current in order to limit peak energy demand. Single-phase soft starters not only reduce the energy needed to start your A/C compressor, they also keep it safe from damage and mechanical failure.

Three Phase Soft Starters

A three-phase soft starter works in a similar way to improve compressor performance, however, it does so in three distinct steps. Three-phase soft starters reduce the starting current to provide a controlled start that reduces damage to the compressor motor at start-up. A three-phase soft starter also reduces torque up to 70%, which increases compressor life. In addition, a three-phase soft starter provides reverse phase protection for motors, further protecting against mechanical damage or failures.

What Are the Benefits of Soft Starters?

Repairing or replacing an HVAC system is expensive and you want to do everything you can to keep yours in top condition. That means making decisions like whether to use a hard starter or a soft starter. As you already know, hard starters aren’t beneficial to your system and may even cause undue stress which reduces the systems lifespan. One of the major benefits of using a soft starter is it increases the efficiency of HVAC units and heat pumps. Some other benefits include:

  • Soft starters actively control the current during startup and when the system is running.
  • Dramatically reduces the amount of current needed to start the compressor (by as much as 60%).
  • Eliminates the possibility of mechanical shock caused by hard-starting current surges.
  • Reduces the size of a generator necessary to start the system by up to 60%.
  • Increases the useful life of the compressor and the HVAC system.
  • Decreases compressor repairs and prolongs compressor replacement.
  • Quiet operation and long life make soft starters worth the higher initial investment.

Is a Soft Starter Right for your Application?

The answer to that question is probably. In most situations, a soft starter will be beneficial. When you use a soft starter for your HVAC compressor, you can rest assured that it will improve the efficiency of the system as well as protecting the compressor and motor from damage due to mechanical failure. Soft starters can prevent a host of HVAC compressor issues including:

  • Stalling
  • Over-heating
  • Contacting arching damage
  • Mechanical shock

HVAC Soft Starters from the Temperature Superstore!

When you’re ready to upgrade your HVAC compressor with a soft starter, look no further than the Temperature Superstore. Our complete line of HVAC parts and equipment includes our Single-Phase Soft Starter as well as a Three-Phase Soft Starter. Not sure what you need? Contact us for professional assistance and advice.

  1. Three-Phase Soft Starters
    Three-Phase Soft Starters
    As low as $249.00
  2. Single Phase Compressor Soft Starters
    Single Phase Compressor Soft Starters
    As low as $249.00

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