Winter Tailgating: How to Beat the Chill

People outside grilling in the cold at a tailgate party
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Winter Tailgating: How to Beat the Chill

Football season is about more than just the game. It’s about coming together as a community. And nothing embodies that sense of community more than tailgating.

But tailgating in cold weather brings its own unique challenges. Not only is comfort a concern, but safety is too. Hypothermia is a serious risk if you plan to spend the day in chilly weather.

Luckily, a little preparation can prevent hypothermia and make sure you stay comfortable all day. Read on to learn 4 easy ways to stay safe and warm while tailgating.

Check the Weather

The first step to planning your game day warmth is to check the weather. The weather can change quickly, but it’s essential to know the expected range. For example, if you are expecting a chilly morning and a warmer afternoon, that will affect your plan. Likewise, rain or snow will change what you need to stay warm throughout the day.

Find a weather app that you like. Check it 10 days out from gameday. Use this forecast as a guide to start collecting your warmers. Then recheck it 3 days out, the day before, and the day of to make any adjustments as necessary.

Make Heating Personal

Next, prioritize personal heating. Your first thought might be to grab a big winter coat. But wearing a single bulky jacket is a bad idea. It may keep you warm in the beginning. But if you get too hot, you can’t take it off without losing your only source of warmth. You’ll spend all day swinging between boiling and freezing.

Instead, plan to dress in layers. Dressing in layers allows you to preserve your body heat throughout the day. But it also allows you to shed layers if you get too hot. This way, you stay comfortable all day. Body heat is lost fastest through the head, hands, and feet. So pay special attention to keeping these areas warm.

Added Heat Beats Retained Heat

Heated garments are an excellent way to ensure you stay warm. A heated jacket with a hood and heated gloves will help keep your core temperature up while preventing heat loss through your hands and head. And they provide their own warmth instead of just capturing your body heat. This additional heat allows you to warm up faster if the temperature drops.

Create Hotspots

Consider a personal heater if you spend long periods hanging out in one spot like the grill or a camp chair. These come in all shapes and sizes. So consider where you’ll be using it.

There are both electric heaters and propane heaters. Electric heaters don’t require a fuel source. But it can be challenging to find an outlet for them when tailgating.

Propane heaters do require fuel. So you’ll need to plan to have enough propane to last the day. That said, they don’t need a plug, so you’ll get the most versatility. In addition, propane heaters have lots of compact travel options, like the Mr. Heater Little Buddy Heater, that provide ample personal heat.

Spread the Warmth

Community is what makes tailgating so much fun. So outdoor heating deserves some thought. After all, you'll want to keep your fellow fans cozy. Larger personal heaters, like the Mr. Heater Buddy Flex, can serve this purpose if your space is relatively contained.

For open spaces, patio heaters are the way to go. A quality patio heater provides powerful heating output over a large consistent area. They are fueled by a standard propane tank, making them easy to maintain throughout the day. Put one in the center of your spot to create a comfortable aura of warmth for all your guests.

Whichever you choose, it’s worth investing in a few blankets to share. These are an easy way to warm up anyone who is cooling off. In addition, there are heated blankets that plug into your car’s 12-volt outlet. These blankets are worth their weight in gold when you need to warm someone up quickly.

Beer Jackets Are a Myth

Don’t rely on a beer jacket for warmth. Alcohol may make you feel warmer on a cold day but beware. It’s actually dilating your blood vessels. This dilation makes you feel warmer but causes your body to lose heat. This heat loss increases your risk of hypothermia while making you less likely to notice it. The best way to manage that risk is to drink responsibly on game day.

Find Your Warmth

Staying warm while tailgating in cold weather is about more than comfort. It’s a safety issue. Luckily, there are heaters to meet every need. Check us out online to find everything you need to stay cozy and safe this football season.

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